About Ilse Wanten


My name is Ilse Wanten. I was born in Hasselt (1973) and live in Antwerp (Belgium) with my lover/partner Thomas Ceulemans.

Besides giving lectures and writing books, articles, blogs and songs, I am a performer and videoclip/filmmaker.

As an awakened Starseed and a disciple/member of the Intergalactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of United Worlds I am a co-founder and activator of the Crystalline Unified Energy Network.

Already at a very young age, I was contacted by the aforementioned and reminded again of my current mission. My memories of my personal cosmic experiences (first I called them visions) have to do with the seeding of this planet and this physical, earthly dimension but also transcend them, for example when I resided on other planets.

I am very happy to be able to say today that I am an (extraterrestrial) lightbeing with a multi-dimensional consciousness. I chose to be present on Earth in a physical body precisely in this turbulent Apocalypse/Revelation time. I have come here, to this planet, to help people remember who they really are.

My message

This Life is of exceptional beauty. The loving cooperation between Heaven and Earth creates a perpetual cycle in which death is nothing but a transformation. Currently, the Earth is in the process of ascending. This means that humanity is being offered the possibility of entering the next evolutionary phase. Therefor, the difficult processes that we are currently going through, both collectively and individually, function as a kind of (extra-)terrestrial exam. A bright, hopeful future is within everyone’s reach when we no longer allow ourselves to be fooled by all kinds of fear and doom scenarios that are continuously presented to us. When we (learn to) stand in our own sovereign strength again and heal our wounds and traumas, we (learn to) reconnect lovingly with all parts of our Higher Self that have had their own experiences in other places, in other parts of the Cosmos.

More about my Earthly journey 

Although I already had experiences with my companions, other Selves and guides from different Star Peoples as a child, my ‘special gift’ was suppressed for a long time because I had nowhere to turn with it at the time. Thanks to my radical choice for an artistic life (actress/dancer/performer), it later started to develop again, to gain momentum from 2005 when I started writing as well. Today, anno 2025 and three books, a whole series of articles, columns, blogs and songs further, I still couple the playful with a contemplative and (self)investigative attitude. That my life-work dramatically rewrites history as we still know it, goes without saying. Not only does it offer an inspiring and exciting perspective on our Multiverse, it invites you to join, participate and see for yourself.

My studies 

I finished my studies at the Humaniora Kindsheid Jesu Hasselt (Greek-Latin/Mathematics-Modern Languages & Informatics), checked out the Royal Academy of Fine Arts/Ghent (Film-Photography) and experienced an intense period under the wings of Jan Decleir at the Studio H. Teirlinck/Antwerp (Drama).

I followed several workshops – La Fura dels Baus (performance), Marie de Corte, Les Ballets C. de la B./Koen Augustijnen (modern dance), Jan Fabre (As long as the world needs a warriors soul), ect. I experimented with trance- and club-dance, techno and butoh, sjamanistic rhythms and drums and took private singing lessons (classical voice-jazz) from Miriam v. H. I also take an interest in the health aspects of food & fasting, herbs & healings, hiking, yoga, meditation & rituals.

My professional career

Starting out as a professional actress, dancer, performance-artist and model, I later began creating my own performances which led me to writing and singing. As an actress I toured the world with the Flemish theatre-company Blauw Vier/Laika (Pinokkio; Een dame in de kast; Peep&Eat). As a mannequin/(showroom)model I worked in Paris and Milan for Martin Margiela, Dries van Noten, ect. I participated in several fashion-performances for Ann Huybens (+ the book ‘Coeurs Crus’) and from ’97 to 2002, I was the AF Vandevorst house-model, who won the ‘Venus de la Mode’ in ’99. As a dancer/performance-artist I joined forces with Tom Tosseyn (Isda?), Hazim Kamaledin (Gamma van Stilte), Romeo Castelucci (Inferno), Toon van Ishoven (Doors; Top-Play; de Keering), Niek Kortekaas (De man in de boot) and many more.

I presented the Festival van de Beweeging 4 (curated by dancer/choreographer Marc Vanrunxt), danced at Pinkpop and in the music-video ‘Disco!’ from Stef K. Carlens/Zita Swoon and was a founding member of both the performance-groups Luna Baal (with Jo-An Lauwaert) and Het Achtervolk (with Andy Wauman). I worked with director Greet Vissers/Het Paleis (De drie badhuisjes), gave feedback when the Belgian dancer/choreographer Lisbeth Gruwez (Voetvolk) was creating her ‘Birth of Prey’, and lend my vocal capacities to the Belgian band Boenox/Dimitri Brusselmans when they recorded their album ‘Styl-O-Phone’. The single ‘Stylophone’ was picked up by Radio 1 and Klara (Belgium).

‘Wilde Wilde Wereld’ with Fleur Boonman (Melkweg/Paradiso-Amsterdam) and ‘Geheimnis’ with desnodev*rmgevers (DeFabriek-Eindhoven) were steps in creating even more personal work in which I was led by a kind of primal feeling. The turning point came in 2005, with my selection for the ‘Jonge Honden Festival’ (‘s Hertogenbosch-The Netherlands). My solo-performance was about an eternally living dancer who had descended from the heavens… The intensive writing- and research-process that followed lasted seven years. From Barbara Marciniak to Carl G. Jung; from H.P. Blavatsky to Pim Van Lommel and Lynne McTaggart; from Rupert Sheldrake to the collected works of Plato/Sokrates: I devoured just about every book I came across.

While I began working part-time at Jutka&Riska Antwerp, and in addition participated as a performer in productions of the Flemish Opera (Ivo van Hove, Waut Koeken, Christoph Waltz, Robert Carsen, Stef Lernous, ect.), I published my first book Ziel in Zicht! in 2012 which was accompanied by the launch of my first website. I then decided the next step was the translation of the content of this book into music. This is where the story of Isle of the Sky begins.

In 2019, seven years after ‘Ziel in Zicht!’, my second book Lieve Hemel was launched. This took place in the high-frequency art gallery of Annette De Keyser/Antwerp where it was introduced by Peter Toonen, who also wrote the text on the book’s back cover.

The English translation Dear Heaven appeared exactly one year later.

As of 2020

In the summer of 2020, my partner, director/cameraman Thomas Ceulemans and I started our first joint filmproject: a full-length documentary (a coming of age) with the provisional title ‘Back to Paradise’ in which we follow a special little girl. Her name is Amy (Angel). You can follow our adventures through the blog on this website and our FacebookpageInstagram-account.

Nowadays articles from my left hand appear on a regular basis in (inter)national magazines. You can find a small selection of these publications here.

Meanwhile, I continue to work as a lightrunner & extra for Opera Ballet Flanders. Recently, I performed in Rusalka (Alan Lucien Øyen/2020) and La Bohème (Robert Carsen/2021). In early 2022, I did a series of live performances for Phoenix, an installation at the Antwerp MoMu (E/Motion – Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe).

Mid 2022, Aryana Lobo and her exceptional father, Portuguese artist Fernando showed up on my path. The beginning of the hard-cover artbook Origins and another exciting adventure! You can read more about it here, in my interview for Bloom Magazine.

In 2022, Bloom Magazine published my series of four articles entitled ‘Our ( extra-)terrestrial exam: unlocking the cosmos within ourselves’. This led to a genuine lecture tour of which the kick-off was held in April 2023 at Stichting In-zicht (Friesland/NL): It was a fascinating evening (…). Warmly recommended!

Want to know more about my past and future lectures? You can find everything here.

Would you also like to book me? For a lecture, a concert, a performance or writing challenge? Don’t hesitate and contact me via this link.

